- 100-Year Flood
- Abandoned Well
- Accelerated Erosion
- Acidic Water
- Acre-Foot
- Activated Carbon
- Aeration
- Air Stripping
- Alignment
- Alkaline Water
- Alkalinity
- Alluvium
- Anaerobic
- Analytical Model
- Anisotropic Aquifer
- Annulus
- Antecedent
- Appropriation Doctrine
- Aquaculture
- Aquatic
- Aqueduct
- Aquiclude
- Aquifer
- Aquifer Recharge
- Aquifer Storage Recovery
- Aquifer Test
- Aquitard
- Area of Influence
- Artesian Aquifer
- Artesian Water
- Artesian Well
- Artificial Recharge
- Artificial Recharge
- Bailer
- Bank Filtration
- Bankfull Discharge
- Bank Seepage
- Bank Storage
- Base
- Baseflow
- Bedrock
- Bentonite
- Best Management Practices
- Bicarbonate
- Bit
- Brackish Water
- Brine
- Cable Tool Drilling
- Calcite
- Caliche
- Capillary Rise
- Carbonates
- Casing
- Center-Pivot Irrigation
- Channel Flow
- Chlorine
- Clastic Rock
- Clay
- Coefficient of Storage
- Coliform
- Commercial Water Use
- Community Water Supply
- Condensation
- Cone of Depression
- Confined Aquifer
- Conglomerate
- Conjunctive Use
- Consumptive Use
- Contamination
- Conveyance Loss
- Creek
- Cryptosporidium
- Cubic Feet per Second
- Darcy’s Law
- Desalinization
- Developed Water
- Discharge
- Disinfection By-Products
- Diversion
- Domestic Water Use
- Drainage Basin
- Drawdown
- Drip Irrigation
- Dual Purpose Well
- Ecosystem
- Effluent
- Emergent Plant
- Erosion
- Esker
- Estuary
- Evaporation
- Evapotranspiration
- Extrusive Rock
- Fault
- First Flush
- Flood
- Floodplain
- Flood Stage
- Flowing Well
- Fracture Zone
- Freshwater
- Frost Table
- Gage Height
- Gaging Station
- Gaining Stream
- Geophysical Well Logs
- Geyser
- Giardia
- Glacial Drift
- Glacial Outwash
- Glacial Till
- Glacier
- Gneiss
- Grain Size
- Grains per Gallon
- Gravel Packed Well
- Graywater
- Groundwater
- Groundwater Banking
- Groundwater Champion - Titanium
- Groundwater (Confined)
- Groundwater Discharge
- Groundwater Flow Rates
- Groundwater Mining
- Groundwater Recharge
- Groundwater (Unconfined)
- Grout
- Habitat
- Hardness
- Headwater
- Heavy Metals
- Hydraulic Conductivity
- Hydraulic Conductivity
- Hydraulic Gradient
- Hydric Soil
- Hydrobabble
- Hydrofracture
- Hydrogeology
- Hydrograph
- Hydrologic Budget
- Hydrologic Cycle
- Hydrologic System
- Hydrology
- Hydroperiod
- Hydrophytes
- Igneous Rock
- Impermeable Layer
- Impervious Area
- Induced Infiltration (Induced Recharge)
- Infiltration
- Injection Well
- Inorganic
- Interception
- Interflow
- Intermittent Stream
- Intrusive Rock
- Irrigation
- Irrigation Water Use
- Kame Terrace
- Karst
- Kettle Hole
- Kilogram
- Laminar Flow
- Landfill
- Leachate
- Leaching
- Lentic Waters
- Levee
- Limestone
- Lithology
- Losing Stream
- Lotic Waters
- Macropores
- Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
- Metamorphic Rock
- Microdrip Irrigation
- Milligram
- Milligrams per Liter
- Million Gallons per Day
- Monitoring Well
- Municipal Water System
- Natural Recharge
- Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
- Non-Community Transient Water Supply
- Non-Point Source Pollution
- Nutrient
- Observation Well
- Ombotrophic
- Organic Matter
- Osmosis
- Outfall
- Outwash Sediment
- Overburden
- Overdraft
- Overland Flow
- Ox-Bows
- Oxygen Demand
- Paludification
- Palustrine
- Particle Size
- Parts per Billion
- Parts per Million
- Pathogen
- Peak Flow
- Peat
- Per Capita Use
- Perched Groundwater
- Percolation
- Perennial Stream
- Permafrost
- Permeability
- Pesticide
- pH
- Phreatic
- Phreatophytes
- Pitless Adaptor
- Plume
- Point Source Pollution
- Pollutant
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls
- Porosity
- Potable Water
- Potentiometric Surface
- Precipitation
- Pressure Tank
- Primary Wastewater Treatment
- Prior Appropriation Doctrine
- Public Water Supply
- Public Water Use
- Pumping Level
- Pumping Test
- Radius of Influence
- Raw Water
- Recharge
- Reclaimed Wastewater
- Recycled Water
- Regolith
- Reservoir
- Return Flow
- Reverse Osmosis
- Riparian Habitat
- Riparian Water Rights
- Rotary Drilling
- Runoff
- Saline Water
- Sand and Gravel Aquifers
- Saturated Zone
- Seawater Intrusion
- Secondary Standard
- Sediment
- Sedimentary Rock
- Sedimentation Tanks
- Seepage
- Self-Supplied Water
- Septic Tank
- Sewage Treatment Plant
- Sewer
- Sinkhole
- Soil Moisture
- Solute
- Solvent
- Specific Capacity
- Specific Conductance
- Specific Yield
- Spray Irrigation
- Spreading Basins
- Spring
- Storm Sewer
- Stratified Drift
- Stream
- Streamflow
- Sublimation
- Subsidence
- Subsurface Water
- Surface Water
- Surfactant
- Suspended Sediment
- Suspended Sediment Concentration
- Swale
- Test Hole
- Test Well
- Total Dissolved Solids
- Transmissivity
- Transpiration
- Tremie Pipe
- Tributary
- Turbidity
- Unconfined Aquifer
- Unconsolidated Rock
- Unsaturated Zone
- Vadose Water
- Wastewater
- Wastewater Treatment Return Flow
- Water Balance
- Water Cycle
- Water Quality
- Watershed
- Water Table
- Water Well
- Well
- Well Development
- Well Point
- Well Rehabilitation
- Well Screen
- Well Sealing
- Wetfall
- Wetland
- Withdrawal
- Xeriscaping
- Zone of Aeration
GlossaryAlejandro Grant2024-11-21T01:29:49+00:00