The American Ground Water Trust (AGWT) has been working hard to convene water issues programs and provide groundwater education since our establishment in 1986. Our newsletters are an excellent source to keep updated on the latest developments in the field of groundwater science and policy, and to get a glimpse of the ongoing activities and initiatives of AGWT.
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If you or your company is interested in sponsoring a future newsletter, email We would be happy to provide you with more information.
Latest Edition:
Updates include:
- Introducing New Staff and Board Members
- AGWT PFAS Webinars for 2023
- Celebrating Water Well Expertise
- Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) News
- Obtaining and Sponsoring AGWT Scholarships
- Northwest Groundwater Conference Schedules
- And So Much More.

Past Editions:
Winter 2020 Newsletter
We would like to express our gratitude to Cotey Chemical Corp for sponsoring our Winter 2020 Newsletter.
Spring 2019 Newsletter
We would like to express our gratitude to Roscoe Moss Company for sponsoring the Spring 2019 Newsletter.
Winter 2019 Newsletter
We would like to express our gratitude to Cotey Chemical Corp for sponsoring our Winter 2019 Newsletter.
Herman Bouwer Award
The Herman Bouwer Award was established in 2014 to recognize notable contributions to Managed Aquifer Recharge. David Pyne, President of ASR Systems, was awarded in 2018 for his global promotion of aquifer storage projects.