Green energy. Greothermal is the most cost effective technology for reducing heating and cooling costs for buildings. This program will bring you up to speed on the latest technology applications in the ground-source heating and cooling industry. A MUST ATTEND program for anybody wanting to retrofit or build new homes, multifamily units or commercial buildings.

Texas Ground-source Heating & Cooling Workshop
This program is geared to potential end-users and professionals who design, install, finance, inspect, maintain, approve, recommend or regulate geothermal systems.

April 7, 2015
Norris Center - Northcross, 2525 West Anderson Lane, Suite 365, Austin, TX 78757
(the Norris Center building is immediately southeast of the Northcross Walmart Store)

PROGRAM (click to open printable PDF)

SPONSORSHIP & EXHIBITORS (click to open printable PDF)


The program draws on the experience & expertise of industry and agency professionals and will provide a unique opportunity for exchange of information among policy makers involved in energy issues and specialists involved with the design, construction and permitting of ground source geothermal systems for cooling and heating.  Geothermal has the potential to become the technology of choice among those considering “green energy” options for commercial or residential installations.  This one-day program is an incredible opportunity to learn from experienced professionals who are on the forefront of geothermal innovation.  Geothermal will be coming to buildings near you!

April 7th, 2015 from  8:00 AM to  4:30 AM
Norris Conference Center (Northcross)
2525 West Anderson Lane
(behind Walmart Store)
Austin, TX 78757
United States
Registration Type:
General Registration $195.00
AGWT/CA GEO, CA GWA & ASHRAE Member $160.00
Government Employee $160.00
Student Registration (Full-time HVAC/engineering/architect; student ID required) $80.00
ADMIN $0.00
Electronic Download of Presentations ($75 for non attendees) $30.00
Exhibit Table (does not include registration) $200.00
Optional - support for AGWT free training program for science teachers (2,000 teachers already trained) $10.00
SPONSOR $1,000.00
SPONSOR $2,000.00
Order PDF-Non Attendee $75.00
Event Sponsorship Information
Is Sponsorship Event
Program PDF
Exhibitor/Sponsorship Booklet
Registration Prices PDF